All in One Key Programming and Diagnostic Tool -----2021 Add Newest Functions
OE-Level Full Systems Diagnostics: Autel IM608 can access all available systems, such as Engine, AT, ABS, SRS, IMMO, air conditioning system, steering angle system, etc. to enable the mechanics or workshops to perform the same level diagnosis, analysis, and maintenance as the OEM dealer.
Bi-directional active test: perform active tests(function tests) like allows you to test various systems or parts by reading the engine ECU data, or by monitoring the operations, such as solenoid tests ABS pump motor tests, relay, etc.
ECU coding: to fix software-controlled drivability, emission issues, Fuel Efficiency, Power Loss, etc. Help write in new data for certain components after repair or replace. NOTE: it do NOT work on all cars.
36+ Service Functions: With commonly hot 36+ services, save your budget and win more business.
2021 Add Newest Functions:
For B~W:
- 1. Adds "Programming" and "Coding" functions for IMMO related systems: DME, JBE,FRM, CAS, KOMBI, EGS, GWS, ZGW, ELV and FZD.
- 2. Supports New Software Version (swfl_00002419 085 010 080) for Key Learning Function for FEM/BDC Immobilizer System. [Global Initial Launch]
- 3. Adds 196 Software Versions, Supporting Read ISN (OBD Mode) Function for B48/B58 Engine. [Global Initial Launch]
For M~rcedes Be~z: Adds coding SCN for IMMO related systems: DAS, ECU, TCU, ISM and ESL.
For Fiat:
- 1. Adds Key Learning (Bypass PIN) Function for Argo (2017-2020),Cronos (2017-2020) Toro (2016-2020),Mobi (2016-2019) and New Fioring (2008- 2019). [Global Initial Launch]
- 2. Adds Key Learning for Blade Key Function for Avventura (2014-2018)_ [Global Initial Launch]
- 3. Adds Key Learning for Blade Key Function for 500X (2018-2020), Egea (2018-2020) and Tipo (2018-2020)

IMMO & Key Programming Expert------Autel MaxiIM IM608
Equipped with XP400 Pro, J2534, G-box, Autel IM608 can display extraordinary key and chip program functions and IMMO features.
Exclusive functions:
- For B~nz 3rd Generation IMMO Add K~y, All K~y Lost via OBD; Read/ Write/ Erase Be~z ESL_W209 / W906 Data; BMW CAS4 Key Learning; 2015-2018 Land Rover & Jaguar Write Key via Dump; Volvo Smart Key/ Fobik Smart Key Learning; Mercedes Infrared Key Read/Write; Remote Frequency Detection.
Normal Hot functions:
- Smart Mode: Guided and Automated Key Learning Function
- Expert Mode: Advanced Key Learning, Read PIN, All K~y Lo~t
- Key Generation/ Learning
- IMMO ECU Reset/ Adaption/ Refresh/ Coding
- Backup/Restore IMMO Data
- All Systems for Over 80 Makes
- ECU Coding
- Active Test

Top ECU Coding
IM608 Pro comes with J2534 to replace/ code previous software in ECU modules based on OEM software, code new ECUs to repair software-controlled driving performance problems and emission problems.

Superior IMMO Functions
- IMMO ECU Reset/ Adaption/ Refresh/ Coding
- Read PIN (All K~y Lost)
- BE~Z 3rd Generation IMMO Add Key, All K~y L~st via OBD
- Read/Write/Erase Be~z ESL_W209 / W906 Data
- BMW CAS4 Key Learning
- 2015-2018 Land Rover& Jaguar Write Key via Dump
- Volvo Smart Key/Fobik Smart Key Learning

Upgrade of IM608/ IM508
Autel IM608 is the most advanced product among key programming tools, and it is an upgraded version of IM508/ IM608, which has functions that they do not have, such as BE~Z 3rd Generation IMMO Add Key, All K~y L~st via OBD; Read/Write/Erase Be~z ESL_W209 / W906 Data; BMW CAS4 Key Learning; Mercedes Infrared Key Read/Write; Remote Frequency Detection.

Smart/ Expert Mode
Smart Mode provides guided functions with instructions to finish full functions.
Expert Mode mainly for skilled technicians to perform individual IMMO functions,y ou can choose a single or specific functions.

31+ Hot Maintenance Functions
With 31+ service functions and can be updated constantly for wider vehicle coverage:
Oil Reset, EPB Reset, SAS Reset, DPF, BMS, ABS Bleed, Battery Registration, Throttle Reset, Injector Coding, etc.

Auto VIN & Auto Scan
Autel MaxiIM IM608 Pro features the latest VIN-based Auto VIN Scan function to identify CAN vehicles in just one touch, which allows the technician to quickly detect vehicles, scan all the diagnosable ECUs on every vehicle and run diagnostics on the selected system.
Autel IM608 Pro Packing List:
- 1pc x MaxiIM IM608 Tablet
- 1pc x XP400 Pro Key Programmer
- 1pc x MaxiFlash JVCI ECU Reprogrammer
- 1pc x APB112 (Optional)
- 1pc x Gbox2 (Optional)
- 1pc x Carry Case
- 1pc x Main Cable
- 1pc x USB Cable (2m)
- 1pc x Mini USB Cable
- 1pc x AC/DC Adapter (12V)
- 1pc x Light Fuse - 6*30mm (2pcs)
- 1pc x Cigarette Lighter
- 1pc x AAC001
- 1pc x APC101 (USB Cable)
- 1pc x APB129 (EEPROM Adapter)
- 1pc x APB125 (Mercedes Infrared Collector)
- 1pc x APB103 (MCU_PLCC52)
- 1pc x APB104 (MCU_FQFP64)
- 1pc x APB105 (MCU_FQFP80)
- 1pc x APB106 (MCU_FQFP112)
- 1pc x APB107 (MCU_FQFP144)
- 1pc x APB108 (MCU_FQFP176)
- 1pc x APB109
- 1pc x APB110 (MCU_FQFP176)
- 1pc x APB111 (MCU_FQFP176)
- 1pc x APA002 (EEPROM Socket)
- 1pc x APA101 (Signal Cable)
- 1pc x APA103 (EEPROM Clamp)
- 1pc x APA107 (ECU Clamp)
- 1pc x APA108 (MCU Clamp)
- 1pc x APA109 (MC9S12 Clamp)
- 1pc x Connect Cable
- im608 pro package list